Knowledge Center

To ensure you stay well-informed about the latest regulation updates and topics of interest regarding waste management and environmental safety, we encourage you to visit to our Knowledge Center often. Staying abreast of the ever-changing regulations can be quite challenging, particularly when deciphering legal jargon. At HazChem Environmental, we strive to simplify complex legislation and offer explanations that are easy to comprehend. Our posts cover a wide range of common regulations, as well as current trending issues within environmental safety and waste management. Feel free to explore our collection of articles, FAQ’s and useful links for whatever interests you.
If you would like more information on a specific topic, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
Our blog features many informative articles and highlights projects HazChem as completed.
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ARTICLES: Click on any of the links below to learn More!
AFFF/ PFAS FOAM: PFAS Foam: The Dangers of PFAS Fire Fighting Foam
BIOSAFETY: The 4 Levels of Biosafety
BRAKE FLUID: Disposing of Brake Fluid: Questions & Answers
COMPLIANCE: Environmental Compliance
HAZWOPER: HAZWOPER Training and Certification Classes
MERCURY: How to Cleanup a Mercury Spill in Your Home
Mercury Thermometers: What to do if they break
5 R’s OF WASTE MGMT: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle
RCRA: Resource Conservation & Recovery Act
TRUCKS/ FLEET: Truck Purchasing Fundamentals
EPA PENALTIES: What are the penalties the EPA can impose?
COMPLIANCE: How do I stay in Compliance?
HELMETS: Do I need to wear a safety helmet while working at home?
PPE: Need PPE for Cause and Origin Experts?
SANITIZER: What to do with Expired Hand Sanitizer?
SDS: What is an SDS?
AAPC: American Association of Poison Control Centers
CDC: Centers for Disease Control
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA: How to report spills or environmental violations
Summary of the EPA Clean Water Act
HAND SANITIZER: Hand Sanitizer Disposal
HAZARDOUS WASTE: Basics of Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste Transportation
Transporting Hazardous Materials by Highway
Handling Hazardous Waste at Academic Laboratories
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Standards
MEDICAL WASTE: Medical Waste Guidelines
MERCURY: OSHA – Mercury Overview
NIOSH: Guide to Chemical Hazards
NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PHMSA: Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PFAS: Risk Management for PFAS
RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Laws and Regulations
SOLID WASTE: Glossary of Solid Waste Terms
Explosion at World’s Largest Railyard Prompts Evacuation due to Heavy Toxic Smoke
Hazmat crews respond to tanker trailer rollover, oil spill
WI Trying to Dispose of PFAS Firefighting Foam
Hazmat spill cleaned before affecting water or aquatic life
Truck spills hazardous material, shutting down highway
Chemical Spill Exposes Multiple High Schoolers To Acid Fumes
Evacuation orders lifted after chemical leak, fire at refinery
Buckets of hazardous chemicals spill onto Highway causing lane closures as cleanup continues
Highway left a mess after truck spills nacho cheese
Tanker spill cleanup and roadway repair along highway
Hundreds of gallons of tar spills onto Indiana highway, snarling traffic
Cargo spill from truck causes lane closures
Highway reopens following hazmat cleanup
Chemical leak from rail car poses ‘critical’ explosion risk
Trucking company fined $37K for failing to clean up fuel spill
Compliant. Responsive. Safe.
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